EMDR Therapy

Trauma Therapy in Goodlettsville, TN

Is the pain of past trauma still showing up in your life today?

Whether it’s nightmares keeping you awake at night or fear holding you back from doing the things you used to love, it’s become clear that the trauma you’ve been through is still impacting you. You may be struggling to connect in your relationships, or simply avoiding relationships altogether.  Sometimes you feel so anxious that you can’t focus, while other times, it takes all of your energy to get out of bed in the morning. All of this leaves you wondering if you’ll ever be able to feel safe and relaxed again.

As much as you’ve tried to forget what you’ve been through, painful reminders still show up no matter where you turn:

  • It’s hard to make it through your work day because it’s so difficult to focus.

  • You feel lonely and isolated, like no one could ever really understand what you’ve been through.

  • Maybe you’re even having panic attacks or flashbacks to the worst moments of your life.

beyond talk therapy

EMDR Therapy can help you heal on a deeper level.

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy goes further than traditional talk therapy:

  • EMDR addresses the root of the problem, not just the surface-level symptoms.

  • It’s highly effective and efficient, yet gentle and customized to your needs.

  • Based in neuroscience research, the results are long-lasting and applicable to every part of your life.

You deserve to heal from the wounds you’ve been carrying for so long.

Here’s what you can expect in EMDR Therapy with me:

EMDR Therapy with me is goal-oriented and attachment-focused. That means we will stay focused on reaching your goals, making sure the time you spend in therapy is worthwhile. At the same time, I strongly believe in the power of safety and connection in the healing process, so I’ll be checking in with you every step of the way to make sure we’re going at a pace that feels safe for you.

Trauma Therapy with me is

A safe place to explore anything holding you back

Customized to your needs, always at your pace

Rooted in neuroscience, for powerful, effective results

Empowering & focused on reclaiming joy and hope again

Trauma Therapy with me is not

One-size fits all

Rushed or re-traumatizing

A band-aid solution for surface-level symptoms

Just coping or “learning to live” with your trauma

Change is possible.

Change is possible.



  • As the name suggests, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy utilizes eye movements (or bilateral stimulation – movement that goes back and forth between both sides of the body) to help your brain reprocess memories in a more effective way than can be achieved by talking alone.

    When we combine eye movements with effective nervous system regulation strategies, we help your brain learn new ways of looking at old memories, without getting emotionally flooded. Basically, we help your brain & body get on the same page and recognize that you are not reliving a traumatic moment every time you think about that memory.

  • Absolutely! I work with lots of clients who generally had a good childhood and haven’t had a distinct traumatic event in their lives. EMDR Therapy, while well-known for trauma treatment, is an effective therapy for many issues, including depression and anxiety.

    Sometimes, our nervous system is impacted by a collection of several smaller upsetting or distressing experiences; EMDR Therapy can help you heal from these experiences as well.

  • There are a lot of variables that will determine how long therapy will last, but most clients will start noticing progress pretty quickly. With my approach to therapy, I check in with my clients on their goals frequently to make sure we're on the right track.

    Don’t want to wait a week between each session? I also offer EMDR Intensives – a fast-track version of EMDR that helps you get the benefits of a few months’ worth of EMDR over the course of a few days or a weekend experience.

  • Connect with me through a free 15-minute consultation to make sure I’m the perfect fit for what you need.