Powerful, personalized care.

EMDR Intensives in Goodlettsville, TN

EMDR Intensives Hendersonville, TN

Are you looking for EMDR Therapy that fits your schedule?

Maybe you know exactly what you want to work on in therapy, but it feels like it will take a while to get there with weekly appointments. Or you’ve been doing some great work with your individual or couples counselor, but that one thing keeps popping up and getting you stuck. Maybe the pain is so deep that you can’t stand to keep holding it any longer.

Do any of these sound like you?

Your schedule is demanding or unstable & committing to a weekly therapy session for months at a time feels impossible.

You’ve been in weekly therapy for a while but can never seem to get past this one issue you’ve been dealing with for a long time.

You’ve got something big and new coming up, like a move to a new city or the birth of a child, but you’re worried you won’t be emotionally prepared in time.

EMDR Intensives are the new way to get the results you want quickly and effectively.


  • Finding freedom from an old wound that you’ve been carrying for months or years over the course of a few days or a couple of weekends

  • Overcoming that emotional plateau you’ve been facing for so long

  • Heading into a new season of life, like parenthood or a new career, confident and ready to take on new challenges

  • Dedicating a weekend to yourself or your relationship, distraction-free

how does it work?

Experience the benefits of EMDR on a timeline that works for you, so you can heal & start enjoying life now.

An EMDR intensive is a powerful tool to accelerate your healing journey. Rather than a traditional 50-minute session once a week, you would set aside a specific chunk of time – a few days or a weekend - for intensive therapeutic work. It is a concentrated way to experience the power of EMDR quickly, so you can start feeling better sooner.

  • In your personalized counseling intensive, we can work on:

    • A recent traumatic event

    • Maternal mental health concerns

    • Anxiety

    • Childhood trauma or family issues

    • Relationship concerns

    • Spirituality & faith

  • A couples therapy intensive is the perfect way to strengthen your partnership or heal from old wounds in your relationship. There is nothing like getting away together for a weekend to get rid of the everyday distractions so you can really get to the heart of what's keeping your relationship stuck.

Tell me more

You’re ready to fast-track your progress, and I’m here to help you do just that.

EMDR Intensives Hendersonville, TN

EMDR Intensives are a powerful way to…

  • Journey deeper into an area of your healing that may be difficult to reach in a traditional 50-minue session.

  • Rather than attending therapy sessions spread out over several months or years, dedicate a few days or a weekend to get the work done now.

  • You deserve options when it comes to your healing process. EMDR Intensives allow you to decide what works best for your schedule and needs.

  • Together, we will create a roadmap for your intensive & decide exactly what you want to cover. We’ll also discuss how to best prepare for your intensive session to maximize your experience.

  • Your intensive session includes targeted treatment, as well as custom-designed resources to support your well-being and ensure a safe therapeutic experience.

    I'll design your experience based on your needs & preferences. From half-day programs to week-long experiences, the possibilities are endless.

  • We’ll reflect on the transformation you’ve made and create a plan to support your continued growth.

Each EMDR Intensive is custom-designed according to your goals and preferences.

Intensive Options

1-Day Intensive

Start with a 3-hour intensive to jumpstart your progress

Couples Therapy

A weekend experience for couples who want to strengthen their relationship

weekend Intensive

An incredible chance to deep-dive into a specific area of your healing

single-Event Trauma

Heal faster from a painful experience in a safe space

Multi-Day Intensive

Perfect for clients who want to accomplish a lot in a short period of time

Custom package

Schedule a free consultation today to start designing the right experience for you


I design every Intensive & Retreat experience to fit your schedule & needs.

My standard rate for Intensives & Retreats is $180 per hour. Reach out today to discuss your goals for your intensive experience, and I’ll create a custom package to help you get where you want to go. Find out more: FAQs & Investment Options.

Real transformation on your timeline.

Real transformation on your timeline.



  • EMDR intensives have many benefits. You get all the amazing benefits of EMDR Therapy plus some added benefits specific to the intensive experience. Here are a few reasons my clients love EMDR Intensives:

    • By gently accelerating the healing process, you may reduce your total time spent in therapy.

    • Scheduling therapy in this way helps ensure that you will have the time and space you want to dedicate to this work. For many clients, an intensive schedule works better for their lifestyle and makes it easier to set aside the time for healing.

    • Intensives are very targeted, so we can get to the heart of the issue you want to address.

    • The extended session time also allows you more room to fully process a target memory rather than picking back up in a week or two.

  • Yes! EMDR Intensives are a research-backed method for treating PTSD/trauma, depression, anxiety, and other issues. Research indicates that EMDR Intensives are a safe and effective form of therapy for most clients. Typically, if you are an appropriate candidate for weekly EMDR, you can safely participate in an intensive.

  • EMDR Intensives are an incredible investment in yourself! Through intensives, we cut down on time spent: recapping your week, addressing current crises and stand-alone issues, stabilizing and winding down a session. By reducing the time we spend on these items, EMDR Intensives can actually end up saving you time and money in the long-run.

  • In our free 15-minute consultation, we’ll talk about your goals and design a plan that works for you. Reach out today to get started.